I am proud to announce that I experimented with two different recipes this week and had success in both of them. When I eat a meal, for example, a bowl of grits, I always eat smaller portions than what they serve in a restaurant, or even a standard recipe is too much for me to eat, so I devised a new recipe based from the old ones, but in smaller portions. Not only that, but I ground my own wheat, and corn this time.
I ordered a rainbow type of popcorn from amazon.com and received it quickly. I also ordered wheat berries. I was researching on how to grind wheat on the internet, and one blogger recommended sifting the whole wheat through a fine strainer, then using the parts that don't get strained in making 'cream of wheat' hot cereal.
When I make a recipe like this one, I use one half cup water (or water and milk) to two tablespoons of cream of wheat, and let it cook for a couple of minutes, then stir and let the mixture thicken. It is wonderful with maple syrup and butter (and some salt!).
I ground my wheat and put it in the fridge. This morning I used two tablespoons to one half cup liquid and made cream of wheat from it, on the stove. It tasted marvelous.
I also took the popcorn I got last week and ground that using my grain mill attachment on the Kitchen Aid mixer. I ran the grains through a couple of times, and they looked kind of rugged still. I intended to make cornmeal. This cornmeal would look a little different though, because the popcorn kernels were different colors. I planted some and they are coming up. Now I can even grow my own popcorn and make homegrown cornmeal.
I used the 'cornmeal' just like I would if I were making grits. I used two tablespoons of grits to a half a cup of liquid. I let them cook for a couple of minutes and viola, I have a bowl of multi-colored grits. Pretty cool. They tasted pretty good too, especially with cultured butter melted in them.
Homemade 'Cream of Wheat'
2 TBS. freshly ground wheat
1/2 cup liquid (milk, cream, water, or a mixture)
Combine all ingredients in a small pan. Heat until mixture starts to boil and stir. Let the mixture thicken and enjoy! Serves 1
Homemade 'Grits'
2 TBS. freshly ground popcorn
1/2 cup liquid (milk, water, cream or a mixture of these ingredients)
Combine all ingredients in a small pan and heat mixture until it starts to boil. Continue to cook and stir continually, until thickened. Serve with butter and cheese, if desired.